Bet in the City

To celebrate my birthday, the manfriend and I went to the city.

NYC obv.

Even though it was super rainy, I had an amazing time and was even able to cross a few things off of my 30 before 30 list.

Warning: As always, I took a crap ton of photos + I’m going to over-share…

Columbia Journalism School | Info Session

Our visit started with a 10AM Info Session at Columbia Journalism School. 4. Go back to school (Masters in Journalism maybe?)

Birchbox SohoBirchbox Soho | BYOB Birchbox Soho

Then shopping which unfortunately consisted of mostly window shopping (such a tease!), but I did get to build my own box at the Birchbox store in Soho. I didn’t get my nails done, but maybe next time… 10. Shop at the Birchbox store in Soho

Sprinkles Cupcake ATM Sprinkles Cupcake ATM Sprinkles Cupcakes

After dinner we enjoyed cupcakes from Sprinkles. Mine was strawberry and his was chocolate marshmallow. 13. Hit up the Sprinkles ATM

Radio City Music HallChristmas SpectacularThe Rockettes

The real reason for the trip was to see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, thanks to Groupon.

Since it was all for my birthday, I had to have champagne.

In a novelty cup.

With a light up swizzle stick.

Bet + the manfriend

We had tickets for the 10PM show…

It was a VERY long day. But SO worth it!


Heels were a bad idea.

xx Bet