When I heard that Martha Stewart, yes THE Martha Stewart, was going to be a keynote speaker at this year’s Altitude Summit Salt Lake City I died. And then I entered every single contest in attempt to score the chance to attend.
I must be a cat, because I then found out that not only did I win (Thank you, Instagram and #altsummit_yellow!), but also that Joy Cho, yes THE Joy Cho, was going to be the other keynote speaker (Note to self: Make sure to pack Blog Inc.)! I died twice more.
Booked my flight, roundtrip. Had a minor panic attack (literally, anxiety will do that to you) after learning that the hotel where Alt SLC is taking place was full. Thankfully, I was able to find a hotel right down the street.
Prepping for Alt SLC was more or less a breeze. Blog cards? Check. Print schedule + highlight first, second, and third choice sessions? Check + color coded.
Packing is another story.
Did you know that you can only have one (1) quart sized ziplock bag for liquids? AND that each of those liquids must be in a container of less than 3.4oz? Seriously?? Who came up with this?! Clearly not a female + at the very least not me!
I have only ever flown internationally, and this trip I do not want to risk checking any luggage as I’ll only be in Utah for four days.
Now what to pack? What should I wear?
Slightly larger minor panic attack.
Others attending the conference (including Thrift Me Pretty’s Stasia Savasuk) have been very reassuring about not worrying about what to wear, but I can’t help it…t’s what I do on the daily!
I almost always overthink my outfits, have been known to over-pack, and now I’m trying to fit it all into a carry-on. This should be interesting…