June Loves

Guess who found more to love…
june loves

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When I got my makeup done for my boudoir mini sesh, I asked for a natural looking lip. This is the color (Love Child) that was used. The texture, the color, the shimmer. Love!

When someone pulls out an oil a oil absorbing wipe and then offers you one, you know you’ve made a real friend. True story. But since you don’t want to be a mooch, you eventually go get your own. They can also clean your phone screen pretty well.

I got this brush to try out and liked it for a number of reasons. The way it curves and kind of hugs your head, the fact that it’s vented so it helps cuts down drying time. It wasn’t until I figured out that the end was double sided and also had a sectioning pick, that I totally lost it. In a good way, a very very good way.

So, Where’d You Go, Bernadette was a book I’d picked up a while ago. I put off reading it until Memorial Day weekend. I think I must have complained about it the entire time I was reading it. But I read it in one sitting, I only stopped reading it to tell the manfriend about it  and to eat. If I don’t like a book I won’t read it.  I’m weird like that.

Taco Bell is my favorite fast food restaurant, period. For the longest time you could only get Baja Blast at Taco Bell. It was rumored that if you mix blue Powerade and regular Mountain Dew together it tasted like Baja Blast. I tried it and it did taste vaguely similar, but it wasn’t the same. The fact that this soda (even if only for a limited time) is available in a bottle is a dream come true.

Taco Bell also has a new hotter sauce, Diablo. It didn’t make the cut this month, but that’s mostly because I can’t go to the store and buy it.

To put on ALL the things!

My mouth is doing a happy dance right now. #🔥

A photo posted by Bethany Everett (@twentysomethingplus) on

SO happy, so in love…



Oh, and speaking of love, today is the manfriend’s birthday.
Happy Birthday, manfriend!