Isn’t it nice that there are people who actually exist, that get how crappy the world can be and then work actively to go about making life better?
They may be about as rare as unicorns, but they do exist.
Mary is one of those people.
Who is Mary? She is one of the fabulous women I met at Monarch Workshop. If you check out her blog, you will have an idea of just how AWESOME she it. Well, she sent out some snail mail and it absolutely made my day! Even though it wasn’t completely unexpected (she had to get the addresses somehow), it didn’t make getting mail that wasn’t a bill any less special.
A sweet note, stickers, temporary tattoos, and TONS of confetti!
To say thank you, wouldn’t be enough.
There needs to be more of this.
Make it happen.
I’m so touched that you decided to make a whole blog post about it! You’re the best, and I’m so glad you liked your happy mail!!
I LOVED getting this in the mail, will be sending you something back at some point! xx