What’s in My Bag: Road Trip


Disclaimer: This blog post contains an affiliate link.

When I lived in Vermont, a trip to the grocery store was a 20-30 minute drive.

Much of my shopping was done while hungry and resulted in a lot of snack foods. So to avoid this and getting hangry at the manfriend, I’ve learned to keep snacks in my bag. This especially comes in handy when we go on a road trip. Otherwise, we will inevitably end of in line at the nearest drive-thru.

It’s not that snacks are always that much better than fast food, but the cost adds up. We’ve been guilty of buying Taco Bell right before dinner.

The Vermont part of me, which cringes when there isn’t recycling options everywhere, was very happy to hear about Chomps Snack Sticks. They are made with grass-fed beef, so they taste phenomenal! The manfriend even said he wishes that they were in the checkout lines instead of Slim Jim’s. And they’re healthier.

Chomp Snack Sticks

I always like to have a magazine and a notebook on hand.

Reading in the car makes me motion sick, but this way, I can have something to read if I have to wait some where.

Or if I think of an idea, I can jot it down.What's in My Bag

Then there’s the everyday things I keep in any bag.

Road Trip Edition

At least one Lola tampon, because they’re 100% cotton and I don’t have to send the manfriend to the store for them. They’re delivered right to my door!

And a pair of Cheeki underwear, just in case…

In My Bag

What do you bring with you when you’re on the road?
