Healthy Hask Hair

Remember when I said I was considering about shaving my head again? Well, my sister, who does my hair from time to time, pointed out that my natural hair was super dry.

She suggested using argan oil to help with that.

Hair Envy Starts Here

This wasn’t exactly Earth shattering news or anything. But after being able to try more argan oil products thanks to Hask Hair, I decided to give my hair another chance.

Hask Hair

After just one use my hair was significantly softer and much more manageable. That being said, I think that protective styling between washes, is my best bet.

Argan Oil Shampoo

Argan Oil Conditioner

Along with the shampoo and conditioner I was able to sample an oil treatment that I have been using to moisture my scalp.

Argan Oil Treatment

Argan Oil

While I no longer feel like I hate my hair, I think it’s fun to switch things up, without causing any unnecessary damage.



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