I. Can’t. Even…

During Joe Zee‘s keynote interview with Catt Sadler at Simply Stylist New York, he said something that really resonated me…

Simply Stylist New York | Joe Zee with Catt Sadler

Basically, he said that if your job makes you angry, you shouldn’t be doing it. He clenched his fist when he said it. And don’t ask me why, but that was the eye opening, soul shaking push that I needed.

At times my job can make me so angry!

I. Can’t. Even.

So I quit. (And by quit, I mean, gave like a month’s notice.)

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate my job.

I’m not a huge fan of the 4AM duty calls or the constant fire alarms, because someone burnt popcorn for the thousandth time…

But, really what it all boils down to is that it doesn’t make me happy.

Work happy.

I want to love what I do.

Don’t you?

xx Bet

8 thoughts on “I. Can’t. Even…

  1. You are seriously the real MVP! I hate my job with a passion, but my biggest fear is financial stability. If I quit how am I gonna pay my bills? You know? I’ve been applying to other jobs that I really really like, but no luck. And I promised myself I wouldn’t go into the new year miserable about work, but that promise doesn’t look like it’s gonna work out in my favor.

    1. Don’t give me too much credit…Deep down I have known that this wasn’t the field for me for years, I even thought maybe it’s just me and took the same position at another institution. No matter how much I loved the people and certain parts of the job the same things would eat away at me and kill my spirit. To be completely honest I’m still scared about how I going to pay bills and how long it’s going to be before I find another job (I’ve been searching for the past year or so)…The one thing I did know is it wasn’t worth the money and the stress was effecting my health. I don’t know your exact situation, but try focusing on what does make you happy, it got me through four years. Even if you don’t quit, keep applying! And network!

  2. Congrats on quitting! Takes serious guts to make that move. Though it’s a big change and comforts will be sacrificed I think you made the right move. I quit my job (more than once) I won’t lie and say it’s easy but my happiness and living my passion is worth more than a paycheck.

    1. I know we talked about this a little via email, but thank you! I didn’t expect it to be easy, but there are times when it’s harder than I ever could have anticipated! I’m confident that things will get better, but a lot of times I find myself questioning what I was thinking! Just have to keep reminding myself that it’s all for the best!

  3. I did this last August. What a scary, exhilarating process! I loved by job for so long, but it really took a turn for the worse and starting affecting my health & happiness. 6 months ago, I never would have thought it would have been as positive a change as it was, but it literally was the BEST decision I’ve ever made- hoping it’s the same for you! xo

    1. I’m sorry to hear about your job, but happy that you’re happy and that things are working out for the best. I’m not quite there yet, but I am very hopeful that I will get there! Thanks! xx

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