Mani and a Magazine: The Classics

When deciding on what color to paint your nails, you can never go wrong with red. Likewise, when picking a magazine, you can never go wrong with Vogue. These are the classics.

Picking out which shade of red may be another story, but I went with Butter London’s Ladybird (Because it’s my newest red polish, and it matches this month’s cover of Vogue).

March 2014 Vogue, Butter London in Ladybird, Foster Grant Sunnies, Catbird Ring. Oh, and photobomb courtesy of my cat Valentino Gronkowski.
March 2014 Vogue, Butter London in Ladybird, Foster Grant Sunnies, Catbird Ring. Oh, and photobomb courtesy of my cat, Valentino Gronkowski.

Is red your go-to nail color? Do you have a a favorite red nail polish? Share in the comments!