My “March Madness”

While I enjoy going to sporting events, I am not much of a sports fanatic. I have teams that I root on, but I think what I like most like about sports is having plans to hang out with friends and family when attending a game (or match, or meet, or whatever).

I get basketball. My whole household played at some point in their life, except for me. I suck at it, but I did manage the boys basketball team in high school so i understand the jargon and can speak the lingo. However, my personal “March Madness” has nothing to do with basketball.

At the end of the month my younger sister and I will be participating in a Spartan Workout and the Cosmic Run. Now, neither one of us are really all that physically fit, I think she has a gym membership and I try to be active when the mood strikes me, but I am using these events as motivation to get in shape. Partially because I don’t want to die (especially not from passing out during a 5k), but also for the benefits that are associates with living a healthy lifestyle.

To start off March, I woke up earlier than I normally would on a weekend morning and popped in A TurboFire workout DVD. My plan is to do some form of workout everyday this month in hopes of making it a lifelong habit.


Do you have a workout routine or know of one that you’d recommend? What motivates you to workout? Any tips would be great to hear!