My One Year Goal

#MyOneYearGoal is helping spread the word about the Visionary Journal, a goal management system designed to help you keep your important goals top of mind and transform your dreams into your reality. Imagine what you will accomplish by making your goals a priority and focusing on the tasks that will get you closer to completion. Create Your Vision. Change Your Life.

Thinking about the future makes me anxious. That’s not to say that I don’t have goals. Because I do. They’re just…


There are times when I feel that I don’t have the life I want. And I have no one to blame but myself for that.

Visionary Journal

What could I accomplish in a year that would move my life significantly forward?

Good question…

Anything really.



Monique, my friend and boss babe blogger of Keep Chasing the Stars and creator of the Visionary Journal, taught me that by creating a clear vision, you form the foundation you need to change your life. You are writing out your action plan.

Last year, I shared a list of 30 things I wanted to do before turning 30. Some things were random little bucket list items, but a few of them were things I wanted to accomplish in order to improve my life.

Having a clear vision made it possible for me to actually achieve the things that I really wanted. In less than a year I learned Photoshop, which I now use for my Monthly Loves posts and I was a speaker at Alt Summit.

Create Your Vision. Change Your Life. #myoneyeargoal Click To Tweet

So. What is my one year goal?

I want to know that my blog, although it started out as a hobby, is more than that. For me, I’ll know I’ve “made it” as a life and style blogger when I am featured as such. Perhaps in a magazine or in a commercial. Maybe even both!

Not the most clear, I know, but it’s a start.

I’m not the only one answering this question. So go read Monique’s blog post to find out her one year goal and to learn a little more about the Visionary Journal!

I believe that dreams without actions are just wishes. Wishes belong in fairy tales.
-Monique Malcolm

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of wishing.
What could you accomplish in a year that would move your life significantly forward?


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