Birchbox Book Club: Current Reads

Some people are really good at reading two books at once.

Not me. I can’t even read in the car.

As big a mistake as it might be for me to try doing either of those, I still do…
Birchbox Book Club: Current Reads

I’ve had Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin and Yes Please by Amy Poehler tucked away on a shelf in my bookcase for the longest. Too long.

I received both books from Birchbox and wanted to get caught up with the Birchbox Book Club, so I finally started reading Yes Please. I got a decent way through it and just stopped. Not for any reason, just did.

But then, instead of picking it back up, I started Better Than Before.

I don’t know why I would think that was a good idea. My plan is to finish Better Than Before and then go back and finish Yes Please. They’re both really good reads and if you haven’t read either one of them, you should add them to your reading list!

Next on my reading list is one of the many fantasy novels that the manfriend has. He has a blog, and is sharing on going chapters of what he’s been writing. Maybe I’ll be supportive and start with his…


For anyone who has read Better Than Before, I’m a rebel, what are you?


Birchbox Book Club: Bet the Baker

I don’t cook.

I can…

I just don’t.

Well, haven’t.

And I haven’t really ever given cooking much thought.

(Eating is an entirely different story…)


So this month’s book for the Birchbox Book Club was received with some mixed feels.

I wanted to read it and was thrilled to win it, but I wasn’t entirely sure why.

As much as I would love to be Joy Wilson, or at the very least bake like her, it’s not going to happen.

But I am willing to try. (A recipe from Homemade Decadence, not to be Joy Wilson…)


At least a few recipes…

Just call me Bet the Baker!

I promise if I bake anything that looks even the slightest bit edible, to share about it.

Doughnut feel good to be a baker?

And if anyone wants to get me one of these fun dish towels from Whisk + Brush, that’d be cool.

xx Bet

Birchbox Book Club

Since bascially forever ago, Birchbox has been my go to subscription service.

But a little more recently, Birchbox has also been my source for good reads.

Yes, you read that right.

This past summer Birchbox started the Birchbox Book Club and it’s been providing me with my what to read next ever since!

The October book was Gone Girl, and thanks to the monthly giveaway that Birchbox hosts on Twitter, I was able to score The Complete Gillian Flynn collection!

Birchbox Book Club | Gone Girl

I haven’t started reading Gone Girl just yet, but now that I have new reading glasses, I will be very soon! I purposely did not watch the movie adaptation, because I didn’t want to spoil the book.

Birchbox Book Club | The Complete Gillian Flynn

The fact that there’s two additional books to cozy up with, makes me wonder if it means that there will be two more movies…

Have you seen Gone Girl or read the book? Both? Tell me what you thought.
(Please no spoiler alerts!)

xx Bet




+ This month’s book? Yes, Please!