Dream Day Style Challenge

The manfriend and I don’t have any plans to get hitched, at least not in the near future. Now, that is not to say that we never will, I mean technically we are engaged, but just don’t currently have any plans.

When the opportunity came up to participate in the Lover.ly Dream Day Style Challenge, I couldn’t help but jump the broom at the chance! (I know, I know…but don’t act like you don’t have a wedding Pinterest board!)

Wedding planning can be very stressful. Even just pinning a fake one. Lover.ly is the bride’s digital BFF + helps to take that stress away!

The challenge?

Select one of the follow settings and style my perfect wedding dress.

Traditional Wedding     Traditional Wedding


Beachside Nuptials    Beachside Nuptials


Rustic Soirée    Rustic Soirée


Maybe it’s the Vermonter in me, but I decided to go with the Rustic Soirée.

Dream Day Style Challenge


I love this dress! It goes perfectly with the rustic theme. It is elegant without being too formal, a necessity for the reception!

I wanted the dress to really standout and be comfortable, so I went with a natural yet feminine look.

This challenge was super fun! And thanks to Lover.ly, it was a breeze to style. The manfriend may have to watch out…