4 Ways To Do Red, White + Blue

With the Fourth of July being this weekend, I started to think about what I was going to wear to all the BBQs, parties + fireworks.

4 ways to do red white blue outfit 1 of 4

I get really excited about holidays because they can inspire some pretty great + creative outfits. Hey, any excuse to dress festively!


When I think about Independence Day, I think red, white and blue, so I styled four different red, white and blue looks. While I don’t expect anyone to want to copy any of these looks exactly, I hope that they can still spark (pun fully intended, ain’t no shame in my game) some outfit inspo!


Nothing in this post is new or even recently purchased, everything was already in my closet (or on my bedroom floor)…except for the Birkenstocks, I got them on Poshmark about a week or two ago + have worn them pretty much everyday since.


Happy Fourth of July! Enjoy the fireworks!