Running with The Racktrap

IMG_0708IMG_0705 IMG_0712IMG_0714 The RacktrapFeeling inspired by everyone that ran in the Boston Marathon, I’ve decided to take my own training a little more seriously.

Not for anything specific, I don’t foresee even a 10K in my future. Maybe a 5K, I’ve done a few fun ones before, but even that isn’t really my speed. Although, a friend reminded me that there is an annual 5K that’s coming up pretty soon in my hometown. There’s still plenty of time for me to get into shape before race day, so it is an option worth taking into consideration. I don’t know, though. I really just want to continue my quest to be a little more healthy than I have been lately.

Can’t lie, having cute workout clothes has been helpful for motivating me to get up and run, and having The Racktrap to hold my cash, debit card and license in is also a huge help. You can’t always trust your pockets to hold everything in place, but The Racktrap does. I really like the sweatproof one, because I am usually a sweaty mess after any about of physical exertion.

It’s great for keeping all your small essentials with you, right in your bra. After a run, I can very easily go to Target to pick up a Starbucks smoothie.



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