Easy Flatlay Tips

My favorite style of photos on Instagram are flatlays. They are such a great way to showcase things in a really neat way.

There are tons of resources out there to master the art of the flatlay and I’ve already shared my number on Instagram tip (along with what I use for my white backgrounds), but here are five quick and super easy tips to help you nail them!

5 Easy Flatlay Tips

Think square! I’m all for thinking outside of the box, but for a flatlay you have to get super creative within it.

Move things around, see what works. Keep in mind that sometimes less is more!

Switch things up, try different angles. Who said a flatlay has to be dead on and from above? Zoom in, get close, crop it like it’s hot! You can also try different backgrounds.

Use airplane mode (and make sure your wifi is turned off) if you want to edit your photo in Instagram but save it for later. #latergram (I’ve also done this to brighten up a photo twice!)

Edit! If you want that crisp white background? Brighten up your photo and add a little contrast.


Bonus tip: Try to remember the four F’s!

Fit (Think square), Free-up (Less is more), Focus (Is your phone’s lens clean? Did you tap the screen where you want the focal point to be?), and Fine-tune (Make any changes and add any finishing touches).

The Fs of FlatlaysIf you want to know what I keep in my Instagram prop box (yes, I have one), go check out this post!


5 Alt Tips

While I feel like I am still processing my Alt Summit experience as a whole, I have some Alt tips that I want to share in case you plan to attend Alt (or any other conference for that matter).

Having Fun at Alt Summit

1. It doesn’t matter what you wear. Dress for you + have fun! I cannot stress this enough. I packed an outfit for each day and due to the weather ending up wearing clothes that were for my flights instead. No one noticed. The world didn’t end. (Unless less there’s a dress, then please follow it, just don’t stress out about it!)

Wall of Business Cards at Alt Summit

2. You will regret overpacking. Especially if you are trying not to check any bags. You get A LOT of stuff at Alt. from business cards and coupons, to samples and door prizes. Having space in your luggage is a MUST. Unless you’re local. Then I envy you.

Sitting in the Front Row at Alt Summit

3. Sit in the front. This was a personal preference, but here me out. By sitting in the front row during sessions when ever I raised my hand the presenters noticed and I always got my questions answered. I could hear + see everything. After the sessions I was able to quickly run up and chat one-on-one with the presenters if I needed.

Sitting in the Front Row at Alt Summit

4. Have a thought or idea while at Alt? Write. It. Down. You do not want to forget it, and who knows you may get inspired to do the next big thing!

Alt Summit

5. Step out of you comfort zone. If you have ever said you’re really fun or loud once you get to know me, then I’m talking to you! That’s me + typically I avoid social interactions at all costs. Unless I’m drunk. But by forcing myself to speak to others at Alt I made a ton of great connections. Like, I saw someone with the same camera bag as me. I went over to say hi + turns out it was Candice Stringham who is teaching a DSLR class via A Beautiful Mess! She even gave me a discount code to use in the A Beautiful Mess shop, which I will obviously be using to take her class. Like, what?! Imagine if I had missed that opportunity? I’d seriously have to kick myself.

Have you ever attended Alt Summit or another conference of some sort? What tips or takeaways do you have?


All photos in this post were obtained from the Alt Summit Flickr Photostream.