Quick and Easy DIY Lip Scrub

I have lips that are on the more full side and if I don’t exfoliate them with a lip scrub, gross things happen.

Even though it is now March, it is still very much so winter. I know this because I’ve needed to pick away the blatant dead skin off my lips more times than I care to share…

Lip treatments, balms, and glosses are great, but if you are not exfoliating, then peeling is going to happen.

My current favorite lip scrub is one I found on Pinterest from Her Campus. It’s really easy and you only need three ingredients that you can probably find in your kitchen.

DIY Lip Scrub DIY Lip Scrub Add honey. Sugar, honey, and olive oil. Mix. Store in a small container.

Just a tablespoon of sugar, the same amount of honey, and a teaspoon of olive oil. Mix and store. My mom happened to have some salad dressing cups and they were the perfect size!

There’s quite a few different lip scrub concoctions that I’ve come across, but I haven’t tried too many. Do you have one that you swear by?

xx Bet