DIY Inspiration Board

I didn’t have any major plans this weekend, the only thing I knew I wanted to do was spend some time reevaluating my goals. But, when I sat down to do actually do that, I couldn’t.

It was just too much.

It’s not that I don’t know what I want, or that I can’t see the big picture…

A list was just…boring.

So, I spent the weekend making a Pinterest board. Well, an inspiration board.

DIY Inspiration Board

I printed images from Pinterest, prints that I plan to buy, inspirational images, motivational quotes, and tacked them to a giant cork board. This way as my dreams change and my goals are met, I change switch up what’s on my board.

I also added the Bannerie banner that I got in my Monarch Workshop goodie bag. Come on, YOU GOT THIS…fitting, right? How could I not?!

You Got This Banner

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The Confetti Bar | Custom Twenty Something Plus Confetti

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Happy Monday!

xx Bet


9 thoughts on “DIY Inspiration Board

  1. Hey Bet!!!!

    This is sooo terribly awesome!!! Your wall/board looks totally amazing!!! I love it!!! I spent the weekend working on a similar project!!! That’s so cray to me bbff!!! But girl keep going this is amazing!!!!


      1. LOL thanks Bet! But no! That wasn’t it! I’m still working on the pictures from the post (bad lighiting lol) but I did a wall in my house in the same vain of your’s I’ll post it soon! Hope fully I get good light and let’s be honest ….TIME to do it tommorow. thanks for pinning!!!

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