DIY Inspiration Board

I didn’t have any major plans this weekend, the only thing I knew I wanted to do was spend some time reevaluating my goals. But, when I sat down to do actually do that, I couldn’t.

It was just too much.

It’s not that I don’t know what I want, or that I can’t see the big picture…

A list was just…boring.

So, I spent the weekend making a Pinterest board. Well, an inspiration board.

DIY Inspiration Board

I printed images from Pinterest, prints that I plan to buy, inspirational images, motivational quotes, and tacked them to a giant cork board. This way as my dreams change and my goals are met, I change switch up what’s on my board.

I also added the Bannerie banner that I got in my Monarch Workshop goodie bag. Come on, YOU GOT THIS…fitting, right? How could I not?!

You Got This Banner

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The Confetti Bar | Custom Twenty Something Plus Confetti

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Happy Monday!

xx Bet